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I was very impressed with Liz’s session at the conference and have made a conscious effort not to be a blur since returning to “real life”. I was even more impressed that she took the trouble to have copies of her booked shipped to us, even those who like me live in England – it was a lovely surprise to receive it.
Liz Bywater was a keynote speaker at the 2019 annual conference of the Association of Independent Informational Professionals, and she was terrific.
It was clear that she had done her homework and thought about her audience. While her theme, taken from the title of her book “Slow Down to Speed Up,” has broad applications, Liz spoke specifically to the needs and concerns of AIIP members. Members of the audience nodded their heads in agreement with Liz’s points, and there was a lively Q&A session.
Liz is high energy, yet approachable, and I enjoyed her presentation a great deal.
Thank you so much for keynoting at the AIIP Annual Convention and sharing your wisdom. I appreciated your enthusiasm and passion for the concept of Slowing Down to Speed Up. Your guidance on finding those things that hold us back and discerning what can help us move forward was extremely valuable. I know the attendees returned to their offices with information they could act on immediately to speed up their business success.
Every time I have a conversation with Liz, or hear her speak to a group, there are practical things that resonate so well with me I can just implement them immediately.
Slowing Down To Speed Up has started to be a buzzword in my company and we are all trying to take a breath and do it right versus rushing through. Being good to myself is something I often need to be reminded to do, and Liz’s insights are just so useful I can include them in my life without missing a beat!
Liz Bywater gave the keynote address to the 2019 Association of Independent Information Professionals annual conference in Philadelphia. She was amazing and thought-provoking. Working at the intersection of psychology and business, she was very engaging and generous with answering questions from conference attendees. Liz also took time—in advance of the conference—to learn about our association; this is remarkable in a time when everyone is rushing to get things done. (Many keynote speakers fail to learn about the group before giving their keynote and generally are disappointing. Not so with Liz.) Her preparation made her keynote spot on for our members as well providing actionable advice to our members. If you are looking for a keynote speaker, Liz will not disappoint.